Hourly Fee & Deposit
Other than a few areas where we charge flat fees (absolute divorce, name change, power of attorney), Eatmon Law Firm does not quote exact fees for cases. We charge on an hourly basis and cannot predict exactly how many hours will be spent on a case to establish a fixed fee. If you engage us to represent you to negotiate an agreement or to litigate your case, we require a refundable fee to be deposited into our trust account, which will be billed against at our hourly rate.
The deposit amount varies depending on the type of work to be performed and ranges from $3,500 to $10,000.
Hourly rates vary from $145 for paralegals and $300 to $350 for attorneys. Initial consults are charged at $300 per hour and the total fee will vary depending on the amount of time spent in the consult. Initial consults generally last between 1 to 1.5 hours.
Mediation Fee
On the other hand, if you would like Ms. Eatmon or Ms. Brooks to act as a Mediator (neutral third party) for your case, they charge $250 per hour, which is generally paid equally by the mediating parties. There is also a one-time administrative fee of $175, which is also typically paid equally by the parties.
Parenting Coordinator Fee
Ms. Eatmon charges $300 per hour and Ms. Brooks charges $250 per hour (typically paid equally by the parties) to act as a Parenting Coordinator in high conflict custody cases and both attorneys require a refundable deposit of $1000 per parent.